Tweet Here, you can see Sir Peter's speeches and contributions in the House of Commons. Information is provided by
All-party Parliamentary Groups | Commons debates We have heard that the Committee could, so to speak, impose the proposals even if the House rejects them.
All-party Parliamentary Groups | Commons debates Through you, Madam Deputy Speaker, may I say to the hon.
All-party Parliamentary Groups | Commons debates Transitional arrangements? I have read through every other page, starting with page 3—I did not read page 2.
All-party Parliamentary Groups | Commons debates I have “The Guide to the Rules”—I am one of the ones who managed to get a copy. I don’t see it—
All-party Parliamentary Groups | Commons debates When was what the hon. Gentleman has just read out agreed? How is it available to us now?
All-party Parliamentary Groups | Commons debates It does depend on how many Ls there are, and whether there is a T.