I have received news from Ed Miller and the Ferring Conservation Group that Judge has quashed the Appeal Inspector's decision regarding Chatsmore Farm.
This is a massive victory for our local councils and for our communities.
Many people have fought the good fight, I am glad to have supported them and to have worked with them.
It was wrong that the Appeal Inspectorate overruled the elected council and the initial inspectorate’s justified refusal to build over 400 homes in the Goring Gap. Their decision was perverse. It wrecked the planning system as we know it and eroded the authority of our elected local council.
Ministers should now intervene and give their own inspectors clear instructions and guidance to preserve the identity of local villages and towns, not to concrete every field, vineyard, market garden or recreation space.
We expect the decision to be subject to a further appeal, an update will follow in due course. Have no doubt I will continue to stand alongside fellow campaigners to protect our green lungs and green divides.
The decision is shown in full below: