Burning wood as an 'environmentally friendly' source of energy is a 'scandal' that will worsen global warming.
Biomass is currently classed by the Government as a green form of energy. As such, the Drax plant receives over £4 billion of subsidies from electricity bills.
I spoke during a debate on the 'supposed' sustainability of producing energy from burning wood.
It is basic logic that chopping down trees in the USA, transporting them across the Atlantic by fuel-oil ship and then burning them is going to increase carbon dioxide levels. The data confirms this; over 500 scientists confirm this.
Last year, I wrote to BEIS Secretary of State Kwasi Kwarteng MP, backed by over 50 cross-party colleagues, calling for an urgent meeting to discuss ending subsidies to the Drax power plant in Yorkshire.
Almost a year later, the requested meeting happened and the Secretary of State was sympathetic and assured that we would see progress. The Secretary of State very quickly became the Chancellor and, even with his elevated status, we saw no results.
It was reassuring to see the strength of feeling shared across the House for more sustainable energy production that makes a genuine difference to our ambitions for a net-zero energy sector.
The new Secretary of State would be wise to listen to the overwhelming view: burning wood for energy will make global warming worse for decades to come, and Government subsidies must end.
Thank you to Selaine Saxby MP for organising the debate and to Conservative Environment Network for their hard work on this important area of concern.