Plans for 70 homes to be built on green space surrounding Lansdowne Nursery were rejected by Arun District Council in March, earlier this year. The developer, unhappy with this decision, submitted an appeal to the Secretary of State.
Residents will welcome the news that the appeal for housing at Lansdowne Nursery has been dismissed.
It is the right decision. I was glad to be able to be able to help with this important step forward.
The Secretary of State, Michael Gove, gave a clear answer to my question on the 16th of October, stating that we ‘need to ensure that settlements have the green belts around them protected.’
The next day, at the inspector's hearing, his words were read out, disappointing the appellants, the developer, and their expensive legal team.
Who speaks for our community? The elected Conservative councillors, Roger Elkins and Mark Turner MBE, teamed with the village community groups, Ferring and Angmering Parish Councils and the District and County Council, together with my efforts at the parliamentary level.
We recognise the need for more homes. The new homes we need should be in the centre of villages, towns and cities where elderly people can choose to live without the need for a car. We need starter homes for new families which could be above shops and offices and near employment opportunities.
There is no justification to threaten every field, vineyard, nursery and golf club providing community space and green lungs along the south coast. We have to protect the environment.
The Planning Inspectorate agreed that the development would harm the character and appearance of the area, giving rise to intrusive sprawl and eroding the character and nature of our communities here in Worthing and Arun.
The inspector also saw through the absurd suggestion that 'concreting over the green space at Lansdowne would offer net gains in biodiversity'.
This signals the end of this chapter and this wanton and egregious attempt to concrete over this necessary green gap between distinct communities.
Thank you to all who have been involved in this important campaign. We win many battles: we can't win them all but we win more when we work together.
Communities and constituents will share in welcoming this update.